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关键词:BELIEFS (频次:19)
  • Back, M. (2011). Legitimate peripheral participation and language learning: Two quichua learners in a transnational community. Language Learning, 61, 1039-1057.
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  • Bullock, D. (2011). Learner self-assessment: An investigation into teachers' beliefs. ELT Journal, 65(2), 114-125.
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  • Drewelow, I. (2011). Learners' selective perceptions of information during instructed learning in French: Consequences. The Modern Language Journal, 95(Supplement), 27-41.
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  • Basturkmen, H. (2012). Review of research into the correspondence between language teachers' stated beliefs and practices. System, 40(2), 282-295.
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  • Hu, Bo, & Tian, Lili. (2012). Do teachers and students share similar beliefs about teaching and learning strategies?. System, 40(2), 237-254.
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  • Aragao, R. (2011). Beliefs and emotions in foreign language learning. System, 39(3), 302-313.
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  • Borg, S. (2011). The impact of in-service teacher education on language teachers' beliefs. System, 39(3), 370-380.
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  • De Costa, P. I. (2011). Using language ideology and positioning to broaden the SLA learner beliefs landscape: The case of an ESL learner from China. System, 39(3), 347-358.
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  • Mercer, S. (2011). Language learner self-concept: Complexity, continuity and change. System, 39(3), 335-346.
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  • Mori, R. (2011). Teacher cognition in corrective feedback in Japan. System, 39(4), 451-467.
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  • Navarro, D., & Thornton, K. (2011). Investigating the relationship between belief and action in self-directed language learning. System, 39(3), 290-301.
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  • Negueruela-Azarola, E. (2011). Beliefs as conceptualizing activity: A dialectical approach for the second language classroom. System, 39(3), 359-369.
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  • Pan, L., & Block, D. (2011). English as a "global language" in China: An investigation into learners' and teachers' language beliefs. System, 39(3), 391-402.
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  • Peng, Jian-E. (2011). Changes in language learning beliefs during a transition to tertiary study: The mediation of classroom affordances. System, 39(3), 314-324.
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  • Wan, W., Low, G. D., & Li, M. (2011). From students' and teachers' perspectives: Metaphor analysis of beliefs about EFL teachers' roles. System, 39(3), 403-415.
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  • Woods, D., & Cakir, H. (2011). Two dimensions of teacher knowledge: The case of communicative language teaching. System, 39(3), 381-390.
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  • Yang, Jin-Suk, & Kim, Tae-Young. (2011). Sociocultural analysis of second language learner beliefs: A qualitative case study of two study-abroad ESL learners. System, 39(3), 325-334.
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  • Farrell, T. S. C. (2011). Exploring the professional role identities of experienced ESL teachers through reflective practice. System, 39(1), 54-62.
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  • Kormos, J., Kiddle, T., & Csizer, K. (2011). Systems of goals, attitudes, and self-related beliefs in second-language-learning motivation. Applied Linguistics, 32, 495-516.
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