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关键词:PRAGMATICS (频次:34)
  • Grundy, P. (2014). Pragmatics for language educators: A sociolinguistic perspective. ELT Journal, 68(2), 208-211.
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  • Fordyce, K. (2014). The differential effects of explicit and implicit instruction on EFL learners' use of epistemic stance. Applied Linguistics, 35, 6-28.
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  • Hult, F. M. (2014). Covert bilingualism and symbolic competence: Analytical reflections on negotiating insider/outsider positionality in Swedish speech situations. Applied Linguistics, 35, 63-81.
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  • RoumyanaSlabakova,2014,The bottleneck of second language acquisition[J],《外语教学与研究》,46(04):543-559。
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  • RoumyanaSlabakova,2014,The bottleneck of second language acquisition[J],《外语教学与研究》,46(04):543-559。
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  • 黄玮莹,2014,《学习环境、个体差异与语用能力》评介[J],《现代外语》,37(04):579-582。
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  • Kuriscak, L. M. (2013). The pragmatics of requests and apologies: Developmental patterns of Mexican students. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 35, 564-565.
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  • Houck, N. (2011). Learning politeness: Disagreement in a second language. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 33, 631-632.
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  • Pearson, L. (2012). Cyberpragmatics: Internet-mediated communication in context. The Modern Language Journal, 96, 649-651.
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  • Zhao, Jun. (2012). Making requests by Chinese EFL learners. The Modern Language Journal, 96, 648-649.
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  • Cunningham, D. Joseph, & Vyatkina, Nina. (2012). Telecollaboration for professional purposes: Towards developing a formal register in the foreign language classroom. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 68(4), 422-450.
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  • Fordyce, K. (2013). Context, individual differences and pragmatic competence. System, 41(1), 192-194.
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  • Fiksdal, S. (2012). Speech act performance: Theoretical, empirical, and methodological issues. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 34, 508-510.
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  • Mossman, S. (2012). Pragmatics and language learning: Volume 12. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 34, 510-511.
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  • Hatasa, Y. A. (2011). Pragmatic competence. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 33, 139-140.
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  • Roever, C. (2011). Testing of second language pragmatics: Past and future. Language Testing, 28(4), 463-481.
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  • Barron, A. (2012). Interlanguage pragmatics: From use to acquisition to second language pedagogy. Language Teaching, 45(1), 44-63.
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  • Zuengler, J. (2011). Many lessons from a school: What classroom discourse analysis reveals. Language Teaching, 44(1), 55-63.
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  • Li, S. (2012). The effects of input-based practice on pragmatic development of requests in L2 Chinese. Language Learning, 62, 403-438.
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  • Taguchi, N. (2011). The effect of L2 proficiency and study-abroad experience on pragmatic comprehension. Language Learning, 61, 904-939.
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