
发布时间:2022-02-22 15:47浏览数:374评论数:0 收藏

元分析(meta-analysis)是20世纪70年代发展起来的一种用来评价已有研究文献的定量分析方法,也称后设分析、综合分析。它运用测量和统计分析技术,对已完成的与同一主题相关的多份文献所涉及的变量进行定量分析,旨在从大量的研究结果中发现具有普遍意义的综合性结论。元分析的研究对象是他人的研究结果。它把每项研究的基本特征进行转换,将之变为元分析中的统计数据。元分析也包含自变量和因变量:自变量是各项研究的特征,比如被试的基本情况、实验处理方式等;因变量主要是从以往各项研究中获得的效应量(effect size)。元分析的目标是通过评估自变量对因变量显著变异的解释力来检验两者之间的关系。元分析的优势在于它能对某一主题已有研究结果做出可重复的、客观的、比较全面的总结和评价。不过,元分析的结果可能会由于已有研究结果所提供的信息量有限等因素而产生偏差。




李少锋   专家简介


Li, S. (2016). The construct validity of language aptitude: A meta-analysis. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 38, 801-842.


A meta-analysis was conducted to examine the construct validity of language aptitude by synthesizing the existing research that has been accumulated over the past five decades. The study aimed to provide a thorough understanding of the construct by aggregating the data reported in the primary research on its correlations with other individual difference variables and with second language (L2) achievement. A total of 66 studies were retrieved that contributed effect sizes based on 109 unique samples and 13,035 foreign language learners. The results revealed that (1) aptitude was independent of other cognitive and affective factors: it was distinct from motivation, had a negative correlation with anxiety, and overlapped with, but was distinguishable from, intelligence; (2) executive working memory was more strongly associated with aptitude and aptitude components than phonological short-term memory; (3) aptitude measured using full-length tests was a strong predictor of general L2 proficiency, but it had low predictive validity for vocabulary learning and L2 writing; and (4) different aptitude components demonstrated differential predictive validity for different aspects of learning. The findings are useful for tackling a number of conundrums surrounding language aptitude and shed light on how to reconceptualize the construct and reorient the research.

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赵海永   专家简介






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