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Hyland, Ken (2020). 学科身份:学术话语中的个体与共同体. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社. [下载原作][下载思考题]
Ken Hyland


1. Identity has been a hot topic for 10 years now. How does Hyland define it and do you agree with him? How would you challenge his view?
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summer_passby 2021-06-11

2. Hyland proposes the terms proximity and positioning to discuss the 2 sides of identity—the tension between belonging to a group and being an individual member of it. Is this a useful categorisation?
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summer_passby 2021-06-11

3. Is the idea of discipline a useful one or has it been replaced by interdisciplinary work? Do you see yourself as a member of a discipline and how does this influence your work and sense of yourself?
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summer_passby 2021-06-11

4. Do you agree with Hyland’s criticisms of alternative approaches to identity? What advantages does a corpus approach bring to the study of identity? Do you agree with Hyland’s claims about using corpus for this kind of research?
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summer_passby 2021-06-11

5. Hyland selects 3 genres to discuss sites where we can explicitly represent ourselves. Which one best allows this kind of representation? Why? Are there others? Are all genres ‘representational’ in this way?
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summer_passby 2021-06-11

6. Have you ever written a bio? Do you agree with Hyland’s analysis? Which of the different approaches to bios do you find most convincing?
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summer_passby 2021-06-11

7. Chapter 6 is about how we understand academic conventions in English and how culture might influence this. What are your own feelings about writing conventions in English? Do you use ‘I’ in your writing? Look at a piece of writing you have done and see if you can identify how you have used it using Hyland’s categories.
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summer_passby 2021-06-11

8. What is Hyland trying to do in Chapter 7? Why do you think he chose these 2 writers? Do you find Cameron or Swales identity position more effective? Which one are you closer to in your writing?
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summer_passby 2021-06-11

9. Do men and women write differently? Why should there be gender differences in academic writing? Is the book review a good genre to explore these differences or would another be better?
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summer_passby 2021-06-11

10. At the beginning of Chapter 9, Hyland admits that any stretch of language allows for multiple interpretations. Can we ever be sure that our interpretation is correct? How convincing to you find Hyland's argument in the book? What weaknesses can you find?
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summer_passby 2021-06-11

