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Society in Language, Language in Society: Essays in Honour of Ruqaiya Hasan

编者: Wendy, L. Bowcher, & Liang, Jennifer Yameng


出版社:Palgrave Macmillan


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梁雅梦,博士,北京科技大学外国语学院副教授,澳大利亚科廷大学访问学者,长期从事系统功能语言学、多模态语篇分析、科技论文写作等方面的研究。主持教育部人文社会科学研究项目(青年基金)1项、中央高校基本科研业务费项目3项。在Metaphor and Symbol, Social Semiotics等SSCI索引期刊以第一作者身份发表论文4篇,在Visual Communication等SSCI索引期刊合作发表论文3篇。在麦克米伦出版社(Palgrave Macmillan)出版合著Society in Language, Language in Society: Essays in Honor of Ruqaiya Hasan(2015)。在剑桥大学出版社(Cambridge University Press)合作出版教材Doing Multimodal Discourse Analysis: An Introduction (即将出版)。


This is the first collection dedicated to presenting research directly influenced by the innovative and groundbreaking ideas of the eminent linguist Ruqaiya Hasan.It is of particular value to scholars and students working in sociolinguistics, literary criticism, stylistics, functional linguistic theories, literacy pedagogy, social semiotics, multimodality and applied linguistics.

Wendy, L. Bowcher, & Liang, Jennifer Yameng (Eds.) (2016). Society in Language, Language in Society: Essays in Honour of Ruqaiya Hasan. London: Palgrave Macmillan.